Bird adoption, sanctuary, rescue, and care education services for parrots and other captive exotic 'pet' birds. Based in Minneapolis - St. Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota and serving Midwest.



P.O. Box 821 · Stillwater, MN  55082  

Phone: 651-275-0568 · Fax: 651-275-0457  


  Captive Bird Rescue, Adoption, Sanctuary & Care Education Forms 


Volunteer Application

Thank you for volunteering your time to help MAARS birds! Our Volunteer Application is designed to provide MAARS with the information necessary to match you with MAARS Volunteer opportunities. To sign up, please select one of the Volunteer Application Options below. Following review of your application, a MAARS representative will contact you.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding MAARS or our volunteer program.

Volunteer Application Options


Please fill out the Online Volunteer Application below. When you are finished, submit the form for review by clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of the page. A MAARS representative will review your application and contact you to discuss your volunteer interests.

Miscrosoft Word

Download a Microsoft Word (.doc) version of the Volunteer Application. Complete the form in Word on your computer and e-mail it to as an attachment. You may also print the form, complete it by hand, and mail or fax it to us using the contact information at the top of this page.

Download Adobe Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat

Download and print an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) version of the Volunteer Application. Please complete the form by hand and mail or fax it to us using the contact information at the top of this page.

Online Volunteer Application

We cannot process your application if any of the required fields marked with a * are left blank.

Contact Information






Zip Code*  




How did you hear about MAARS?*

Volunteer Interests & Expertise

Direct Care: I can help take care of birds housed at The MAARS Landing in St. Paul.

Transportation: I can provide transportation for surrendered or rescued birds, birds visiting the vet, or supplies and equipment.

Veterinary Care: I am an avian veterinarian in the Twin Cities who would like to donate services to MAARS at a reduced charge.

Education/Consultation: I am an experienced birdkeeper and would like to share my bird care knowledge with groups or individuals.

Fundraising: I can help organize fundraising efforts and/or collect donations of supplies and equipment to help MAARS.

Events: I can work at MAARS publicity, education, or fundraising events. (Please list preferred events below).

Administration: I can help with MAARS office and administrative duties.

Other: I have another skill that I would like to use to help MAARS:



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Lucky: Based on a True Story

A New Building for the New Year...Please Help!

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All content Copyright © 1999–2010 by Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services, Inc.