Bird adoption, sanctuary, rescue, and care education services for parrots and other captive exotic 'pet' birds. Based in Minneapolis - St. Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota and serving Midwest.



P.O. Box 821 · Stillwater, MN  55082  

Phone: 651-275-0568 · Fax: 651-275-0457  


  Captive Bird Rescue, Adoption, Sanctuary & Care Education Forms 


Adoption Application

Living with a bird in your home requires a serious commitment and responsibility! MAARS' policy is to insure that each person adopting a bird can provide suitable housing, is morally and financially capable of providing for the bird, and is educated in proper care and nutrition for the bird.

  If you live more than 60 miles outside the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, it may be difficult to fulfill all the steps required in our adoption process.

  It is the policy of MAARS to adopt only to adults over 18 years of age — minors may not apply to adopt a bird. However, applications submitted by a parent or guardian of a minor will be considered, providing that the parent or guardian agrees to all terms in the Adoption Contract.

  We DO NOT ship birds. You MUST live within driving distance of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area to adopt from MAARS at this time. If you do not live in our area, please visit our Bird Adoption Rescue & Sanctuary Links page to locate a bird adoption organization near you.

Our adoption application is designed to provide MAARS with the information necessary to begin an adoption placement. Please select one of the Adoption Application Options below to start your bird adoption process. Following review of your application, a MAARS representative will contact you and a home visit may be scheduled.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding MAARS, our birds, our policies, or our captive bird adoption services.

Note: Due to favorable publicity, media coverage, and enthusiastic friends and other bird lovers, MAARS now receives more applications than ever before! At this time, there is a growing list of applicants and it may be 2–4 weeks before our volunteers are able to schedule interviews and home visits. Please be patient…parrots are worth the wait!

Adoption Application Options


Please fill out the Online Adoption Application below. When you are finished, submit your application for review by clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of the page. You will be required to sign a legal copy of this form at the time of adoption.

Microsoft Word

Download a Microsoft Word (.doc) version of the Adoption Application. Complete the form in Word on your computer and e-mail it to as an attachment. You may also print the form, complete it by hand, and mail or fax it to us using the contact information at the top of this page. You will be required to sign a legal copy of this form at the time of adoption.

Download Adobe Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat

Download and print an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) version of the Adoption Application. Please complete the form by hand and mail or fax it to us using the contact information at the top of this page. You will be required to sign a legal copy of this form at the time of adoption.

Online Adoption Application

We cannot process your application if any of the required fields marked with a * are left unanswered. Answers to questions NOT marked with a * are not required, but we appreciate you providing as much information as possible to help us determine if a MAARS bird would be a good match for you.

Household Information

Your Name*  

Your Age (optional)  

18–25   26–45   46–65   66+

Partner's Name  

Partner's Age (optional)  

18–25   26–45   46–65   66+



Home Address*  




Zip Code*  

Home Phone*  

Home Fax  

Your  E-mail*  

Partner's E-mail  

Your Employer*  

Your Occupation*  

Years Employed There*  

Your Work Hours*  

Your Work Address*  




Zip Code*  

Your Work Phone*  

Your Work Fax  

Partner's Employer  

Partner's Occupation  

Years Employed There  

Partner's Work Hours  

Partner's Work Address  




Zip Code  

Partner's Work Phone  

Partner's Work Fax  

Who will be the primary caregiver(s) for this bird?*

Are all parties in the household aware that this bird adoption application is being made?*   Yes   No

What type is your residence?*   House   Condominium   Apartment


Do you rent or own your home?*   Rent   Own

If renting, does your landlord allow pets?   Yes   No

Landlord's Name  

Landlord's Phone  

Does anyone in your household have a health condition(s) that could restrict his/her ability to handle/care for a bird?*   Yes   No

If yes, please describe:

Does anyone in your home have allergies?*   Yes   No

If yes, please list:

Does anyone in your home smoke?*   Yes   No

Do you currently have other birds living in your home?*   Yes   No

If yes, please list species and how many:

Have you previously owned birds that you no longer own?*   Yes   No

If yes, why do you no longer have these birds? What happened to them?

Do you currently have any other pets living in your home?*   Yes   No

If yes, please list species and how many:

Describe your daily routine at home:*

Does your routine differ on weekends?*   Yes   No

If yes, how?

Do you currently have an avian veterinarian?*   Yes   No

If yes, please provide contact information:

Avian Vet's Name  

Clinic Name  

Clinic Address  




Zip Code  

Clinic Phone  

Clinic Fax  

If no, do you need a list of avian veterinarians in your area?*   Yes   No

Do you need instruction and/or information regarding proper bird care ad quarantine protocol?*   Yes   No

How did you learn about MAARS?*

Anticipated Household Changes

Do you or your partner plan to make a significant change in employment or occupation in the future?*   Yes   No

If yes, please explain:

If you do not have children now, do you plan to do so in the future?*   Yes   No

If your primary or family relationship(s) were to change significantly, would you be able to keep your commitment to a bird?*   Yes   No

Why or why not?*

If your living and/or financial situation were to change dramatically, would you be able to keep a bird?*   Yes   No

Please describe the lifestyle changes you might anticipate over the next 5 years? 10 years? 25 years?*

When you travel or go on an extended vacation, who will care for your bird(s)?*

What provisions have you made for your birds and/or other pets in the event of your illness or death?*

Bird Interests & Experience

What experience do you have with captive birds?*

What resources have you consulted regarding the proper care of captive birds?*

What are the most important characteristics you are looking for in a bird?*

What species of bird are you interested in adopting?*

Why this species?*

What resources have you consulted on this particular species?*

What are some traits/needs particular to this species?*

Explain proper care and nutrition for this species:*

Explain proper housing for this species:*

Are you interested in adopting a bird for breeding purposes?*   Yes   No

List other bird species you currently breed:

If your adopted bird developed a behavioral problem, how would you deal with the problem?*


Please provide contact information for two people, other than relatives, who have known you well for five or more years:

Reference 1 Name*  





Zip Code*  



Reference 2 Name*  





Zip Code*  



Adoption Application Terms

You will be required to sign a legal copy of this form at the time of adoption.

I understand that this bird must remain in my home. If my circumstances change, I understand that I must contact MAARS. I will forward any changes to my address and/or phone numbers to MAARS.*

I also agree to a home visit prior to approval, and I understand that a MAARS representative may make periodic visits to my home. I also understand that MAARS may contact my references prior to approval of this application.*

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All content Copyright © 1999–2010 by Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services, Inc.